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Tapping into sustainable solutions for your domestic water needs

At Drilcorp, we understand the importance of reliable access to water, which is why we offer tailored solutions to meet your specific needs. Transitioning from a traditional mains supply to a private water source can unlock a multitude of benefits including:

  • Signigicant Cost Savings

  • Consistent Flow and Pressure

  • Reliable Water Quality

  • Reduced Reliability on External Suppliers

  • No Hose Pipe Ban

  • Increased Property Value

  • Environmental Benefits 

  • Longevity and Durability

  • Natural Fresh Water

Where Ground Meets Tap

borehole preperation
borehole drilling
water supply tap

From Farm Fields to Family Homes: Our Core Groundwater Services




It is usually a once in a lifetime event that someone buys a water supply borehole and therefore it is important that the procedures and cost implications are made clear at the outset. 

We handle everything from legal searches and documentation through construction, installation of pumping equipment, commissioning, analysis of the groundwater produced and installation of a treatment system where necessary. 


Additionally, we provide comprehensive guidance on maintenance and upkeep post-installation to ensure long-lasting satisfaction with your investment.

Did You know?

In England and Wales, an abstraction of up to 20000lt/day (20m³ or 20 tonnes) does not require a licence.

(As a very rough guideline a family of four will use less than 1000lt/day and a dairy farmer with 400 head of cattle will use less than 20000lt/day). 

Is your spring faltering in the face of dry spells or tainted by upstream wildlife? Perhaps you're grappling with low water pressure at peak times, stranded at the edge of the mains supply line. Or maybe you're just craving independence from the pitfalls of relying on municipal water.

A water supply borehole is the solution. Say goodbye to uncertainties as we deliver a consistent, reliable flow of pristine water, ensuring unwavering volume and pressure. Take control of your water destiny and embrace seamless, uninterrupted access.

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