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borehole drilling rig

At Drilcorp Water, our extensive experience and unwavering dedication to excellence define our commitment to delivering superior borehole drilling services tailored to your unique requirements. We adhere to all regulatory standards, ensuring compliance with key authorities:


  • Coal Authority: It's mandatory to obtain a permit for drilling near mined areas or coal seams.

  • Environment Agency: Our boreholes are constructed to isolate surface contamination and meet EA specifications for aquifer isolation.

  • British Geological Survey: We register all boreholes with the BGS.

  • Drinking Water Inspectorate: Materials used in our borehole construction comply with DWI requirements.


Rest assured, any borehole drilled by Drilcorp Water meets these stringent standards, with documented proof provided upon completion of the works.

Our construction procedures encompass drilling, installation of all necessary materials, including pumping equipment, development, commissioning, testing, and water analysis. Should water treatment be necessary, we'll provide a quote for a treatment plant and install it with your agreement. Simply switch on the electricity, and you'll have an automatic pressurized water supply on demand. Upon completion, the works are signed off as completed, ensuring your peace of mind


A fully functional water supply borehole can operate seamlessly for years without requiring maintenance. However, as with any electrical appliance, a submersible pump may develop faults over time (typically covered by a 12-month manufacturer's warranty).


At Drilcorp Water, we recognize the importance of uninterrupted water access once you've established independence with your own water supply. That's why we have a dedicated team of borehole engineers ready to respond swiftly to any breakdowns that may occur. We understand the urgency of restoring your water supply promptly in the event of an issue.


With just one phone call, our 24/7 helpline provides immediate access to expert advice or dispatches an engineer to address your concerns promptly. You can trust Drilcorp Water to be there for you whenever you need assistance, ensuring the continuous operation of your water supply system.

large compressor
water supply


Over a period of time a borehole may deteriorate and need to be reconditioned. Drilcorp Water has the expertise to carry out this work quickly and efficiently no matter what the problem is. Having said this, most boreholes last many years and never need any reconditioning.


If Drilcorp Water constructs your water supply borehole, we will look after your borehole interests and will be your point of call for everything related.

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